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Bystanders: How can you help?   Here's how!


If you're a person in a position of seeing acts of bullying occure in your school system, social group or at work ...there's a place for you in the movement against bullying. If you are in such a position to be able to see this activity, 'YOU' are in a position to help.


School zones and other areas with youths: Approach a bullying incident firmly, but without an agressive voice, language or putting your hands on juviniles. Tell the bully(s) straight out, what they are doing is wrong and to cease the activity at once. Inform someone incharge of the area, telling them what happened and how you had to step in. At a school, inform an administrator. Scouting or camping groups, inform the person incharge of the group, and so on.


Workplace bullies: Workplace bullying is a very serious and expensive problem. When work place bullying is observed happening to another individual, here too ...peacefully step forward stating the activity is unwarrented, unhealthy and needs to stop because its affecting business. Inform supervision at once. If a supervisor is the one doing it, take your complaint to their boss.


Sample complaint to a boss:


We have a really violent person working in our company. Mr. X keeps bullying Mr. Z.   Mr. Z isn't doing anything to deserve it. Even though it's not happening to me, I do find it very unhealthy to observe. It can make Mr. Z sick, and it's not doing our business any good either. It would certainly be appreciated if you could please look into this matter.



Stand up against workplace bullying! If you let a bully win, the rest of us lose.


Joseph Toth

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