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Loss Of Life: Not limited to just bullycide.


Yes, bullies DO cause some targets to commit bullycide, but it's not the only loss of life a bully could cause. In rarer situations bullies are also capable of turning a target into a silent, unexpected ticking time bomb.


In these rarer situations, the bully takes the targets psychological well being and throws it way into left field. Now a much more dangerous bullying result exists.


Instead of the target committing bullycide, a different type of switch is flipped in the targets mind. THE TARGET'S MIND SNAPS. This is a result of being bullied.


When this happens, loss of life happens in ways other than bullycide.


This is when a target may do anything from going to work and shooting just the bully, or the target may go to an area totally unrelated to the bullying they've experienced, and start shooting the place up, trying to kill anyone, or everyone. Over the years things like this have happened in schools, coffee shops, shopping malls and movie theatres all over the world.


If you find this alarming, that's all the more reason why bullying needs to be stopped. Bullying is psychological violence. Bullying is a very real problem!


Please get onboard the movement to stop bullying. Help pass the needed laws.



Unless the cycle is stopped, todays youth bullies will be tomorrow's adult bullies. All Bullying needs to stop.


Joseph Toth

Unmarked Services

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