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Targets Need To Talk About It: Don't keep it bottled up inside you.


Targets, of the worst things you could do is NOT talk about it. The best thing you can do is talk about it. There are people in life that can listen, guide and help.


Keeping this bottled up inside you not only doesn't help you, but it can hurt you ...which is what would make your bully even more victorious. Don't give the bully that kind of satisfaction. You're better than that.


Don't hold it in. Talk to family or other loved ones. Talk to friends or trusted coworkers. Find someone in a church to talk to. Do a little homework to see what help is available to you in your area. USE THE RESOURCES AVALABLE IN THE MOVEMENT ON COMBATTING BULLYING. Become part of this movement. Preserve your sense of balance by doing these things. It does help. You bet it does!


The human body is designed to do a release when it gets hurt. That's what it's supposed to do. When you get cut, you bleed. When you are ill, you throw up. When you are bullied or abused, YOU NEED TO TALK AND COMMUNICATE THIS TO OTHERS. Human beings need these releases. Keeping a bullying problem bottled up inside you will only make you sick, in more ways than one.


I'd like everyone to please watch the video's on the workplace bullying page of this website. The Doctor goes into more detail on how things happen with the human body in bullying matters. I personally found his video about the brain very interesting and informative.


On yet another page of this site (School and Youth Bullying), there is a video called 'Dear Dad'. This video touches base with exactly why a target needs to talk about there encounters and incidents.


John Matthews is a fantastic producer and actor. In this film 'Dear Dad', his acting skills in the charactor 'Tim' show the real and life like experiences of being a target.


Targets, don't keep it bottled up inside you.

Talk about it.  Open up.  STAND STRONG!


Joseph Toth

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