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Self Defence: Defending yourself as needed.


I'm a person who is dead set against throwing the first punch.


However, when it comes to bullying, the bully is usually the one to throw the first punch or other form of physical assault. When this happens, the target has every right to defend themself. 'EVERY RIGHT!'


A punch, slap, push, tackle, cut, trip or even the use of body fluids (spitting etc.) are considered physical assaults. The target has the right to defend themself.




In non-physical assaults such as mind games, put-downs, insults, slirs, troubled phone calls or emails, name calling and so on, stand firm and tell the bully you don't appreciate the way they are treating you, and that you want it to stop. This can be done using a strong voice, but not shouting or using bad language or making threats. Tell them how it makes you feel and that what they are doing is unacceptable.


Make sure you hold to any statements you make. For example if you say "If you don't stop this activity at once, a further incident will result in a written complaint to the boss." You will be bound to doing just that if a further incident occurs. FOLLOW THROUGH.


THREATS: Threats of any kind should be reported and documented anyways. Don't let threats go undocumented or unreported. All forms of bullying should be handled this way anyways.


You have the right to defend yorself. Don't go overboard though. Remember, you are a better person than your bully. The bully knows this. That's why you've been targeted. The bully isn't going to admit that. Jealousy and envy are things that bullies feed on.



Joseph Toth

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